The Joys of singing allows pupils to use imagination which is why I teach junior as well as senior school pupils. No two voices are the same which is why I enjoy teaching singing so much.

In juniors I try help them understand Music theory then help them through exercises have a clear grasp of pitch and how to try and control it.

Adolescence in both male and female voices brings voice change. For a while ranges may be restricted and it is the role of an understanding teacher to guide pupils on this journey. Confidence may feel weakened by this but singing is still possible.

As mentioned earlier many adults go through life believing they can’t sing. This is normally as a result of a busy music teacher unable to give the pupil the help required. Once they have acquired the concept of pitch they can then focus on the wonderful feeling of freeing their voice in song.

Elizabeth believes that everyone can sing and it is the task of every singing teacher to help and encourage each pupil to reach their vocal potential.

As Elizabeth says:-
“When the songbird is released self-confidence grows and an even more wonderful and confident person emerges.”

The singing voice and the speaking voice are one and the same. The same voice box and vocal tract are used.

Elizabeth Brame Singing Teacher and Vocal Coach in Wirral CTABRSM, B.A.